Our Project

Our Project

Fuel supply to Rutledge Company for Air Quality at all Sarta Site Under Genel Contract Yearly 2020/10/1
construction of farming pond in Dween Village/Shaqlawa District/Erbil 360 2013/9/25
Construction Farming Pond in Kawany-Zrary Village/ Shaqlawa District/Erbil 360 2013/2/6
Maintaenance and Paving of Village roads in Hababan, Sarkand and Sarwkany Village 5.4km 100 2013/2/6
Reconstructing water project in Khabat District, Erbil 150 2012/5/29
Reconstructing water project in Kwdarian, Shakran Drstrict 150 2012/1/30
Construction of Mosque building in Chomazarda Village, Prde sub-district 210 2011/11/3
Renovation of School in Parpitan, Drrash, Sewak and Shinawa villages, Salahaddin sub-district, Shaqlawa, Erbil 180 2013/5/29
Construction of Police Station in Degala/ Shorsh sub-district, Erbil 180 2013/5/30
Contract of Rental Machinery with Parker Drilling Company In Sarta 360 2021/1/1
Contract of Renatl Machinery, Sewage Water and Waste Segregations with Viking Drilling Company in Sarta 360 2021/7/1
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